Neighbourhood Watch

If you need urgent police presence: life is in danger, or an offender is still there or nearby then call 999. If you need to contact the police with a query or to report a crime then you can call them on 101.

Please contact Sarah Wilson: 01761 490448 or

if you would like to be added to the Watch information list.  We email warnings, local information and alerts.

Tips and Things to Remember:

During winter months please do use timers on lights and talk radio stations so that your house looks occupied, even if you are actually out or away.  Let neighbours know if you are going away and look after each other’s property if you can.

During summer months make sure you don’t leave windows open or doors unlocked or valuables, keys or money visible from doors or windows.  Criminals take advantage of temptation and opportunity.  Tidy up garden tools in case they are used to break into the house, shed or garage.

When leaving your car parked anywhere do make sure you don’t leave coats and bags temptingly on the back seat.  Put your satnav out of sight and don’t leave mobile phones unattended.

Personal safety is important too: wear bright clothing if you are walking when the light is low or weather is bad, be aware of what is going on around you and help friends and young people to stay safe if they are drinking, travelling on their own, or visiting places they aren’t used to.