5 Villages Youth Group – String Orienteering in May
A band of village children had a great time following a string course through fields and woodland to test their mapping skills at the May, 5 Villages Youth Group. They were given a coloured map of the course, with the topographical features marked, and a key to the icons. The kids had to orientate themselves on the ground to the printed map, and then set off on the string course.
Along the route there were 8 check-in points where they had to stop and put a coloured stamp on their map, to show that they had reached that point. Tags with the names of those in the group were also dotted along the path, and they needed to collect their own before racing back to the finish to claim their certificate of completion.
“The kids really enjoyed being outdoors and took up the challenge of negotiating the course by themselves. This activity will have helped them begin to learn about mapping and hiking. The weather was perfect for the hike and all the kids succeeded in completing the course, even little Nathan, aged 2. Several of the older children went round the course again just for fun, and they had a go at climbing a couple of trees before heading back to the village hall to stock up on Tuck, and have a well earnt drink of water.” said organiser Alison ter Haar.